path: root/README.txt
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+Ethereal by HTML5 UP
+html5up.net | @ajlkn
+Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (html5up.net/license)
+This is Ethereal, my latest, greatest, and quite possibly most unique template for HTML5 UP.
+Since releasing Parallelism 3-4 years ago (!!!), I've been dying to do another side-scrolling
+template with more in the way of flexibility/customization potential. The result is this template,
+Ethereal, which combines a robust side-scrolling framework of my own creation (with various
+"scroll-assist" features like drag/momentum scrolling, keyboard shortcuts, etc.) with a unique
+look and feel, a lightbox gallery, tons of customization options, and, of course, full
+responsiveness. Hope you dig it :)
+Demo images* courtesy of Unsplash, a radtastic collection of CC0 (public domain) images
+you can use for pretty much whatever.
+(* = not included)
+aj@lkn.io | @ajlkn
+ Overview
+ ========
+ Browsers deal with side-scrolling pages differently to vertically-oriented ones in
+ that they require elements (or at the very least, the top-most wrapper element) to
+ have a defined (fixed) width. This leads to a number of limitations (eg. the page
+ won't automatically grow/shrink in the same way a vertically-oriented one will), so
+ Ethereal does two things to work around this:
+ - The entire page is made up of "panel" elements, each of which can be assigned an
+ optional "size" modifier (satisfying the fixed width requirement).
+ - For panels that don't use a size modifier, individual containing elements *inside*
+ them (eg. a column) can be assigned a "span" modifier to give those a fixed width
+ instead (also satisfying the fixed width requirement).
+ Another fun quirk of side-scrolling pages is how to actually implement horizontal
+ scrolling *without* resorting to using the (usually ugly) horizontal scrollbar.
+ Ethereal does this in FOUR (!) ways:
+ - Dragging: Users can simply click and drag the page left or right to scroll it around.
+ This works exactly as you'd expect, and even has a nice "post-scroll momentum" effect.
+ - Scroll Wheel: Ethereal modifies* the scroll wheel's behavior to translate vertical
+ scrolling into horizontal scrolling, allowing the user to use either the scroll wheel
+ or trackpad to scroll the page (the latter of which retains the ability to horziontally
+ scroll as normal, so nothing changes there).
+ * Special thanks to @miorel + @pieterv of Facebook for "normalizeWheel()" :)
+ - Scroll Zones: Users can hover the mouse cursor on the left or right edges of the page
+ to automatically scroll in either direction.
+ - Keyboard Shortcuts: Finally, users can simply use the left/right arrows, page up/down,
+ home/end, and the spacebar to scroll the page.
+ Note that any (or all) of these scroll-assist features can be turned off (and in some
+ cases customized). See the top of assets/js/main.js for more information.
+ Span Modifiers
+ ==============
+ Span modifiers are simply classes that give elements a fixed width, the size of which
+ is determined by the "unit value" associated with the modifier (eg. "span-3" means
+ "span 3 units"). These sizes are in "rem" units when used inside panels that don't
+ use a size modifier, and in percentage units when used inside panels that do.
+ Ethereal includes span modifiers ranging from 0.25 units ("span-0-25") to 10 units
+ ("span-10"). Here's a partial list:
+ span-0-25 Span 0.25 units.
+ span-0-5 Span 0.5 units.
+ span-0-75 Span 0.75 units.
+ span-1 Span 1 unit.
+ span-1-25 Span 1.25 units.
+ span-1-5 Span 1.5 units.
+ span-1-75 Span 1.75 units.
+ ...
+ span-9 Span 9 units.
+ span-9-25 Span 9.25 units.
+ span-9-5 Span 9.5 units.
+ span-9-75 Span 9.75 units.
+ span-10 Span 10 units.
+ Major Elements
+ ==============
+ Most of Ethereal's elements are pretty much what you'd expect, but there are a handful
+ of "major" ones that warrant a bit more explanation:
+ Panel
+ ------
+ The primary building block of Ethereal.
+ <section class="panel (size modifier) (color modifier)">
+ <div class="intro (color modifier)">
+ (intro content)
+ </div>
+ <div class="inner (inner modifiers) (color modifier)">
+ (inner content)
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ Note: The entire "intro" child element can be excluded.
+ Note: You can have as many "intro" and "inner" child elements as you like.
+ Modifiers
+ Size
+ small Use small size.
+ medium Use medium size.
+ large Use large size.
+ Color
+ color0 Use background color 0 (gradient).
+ color1 Use background color 1.
+ color2 Use background color 2.
+ color3 Use background color 3.
+ color4 Use background color 4.
+ color1-alt Use background color 1 (alt).
+ color2-alt Use background color 2 (alt).
+ color3-alt Use background color 3 (alt).
+ color4-alt Use background color 4 (alt).
+ Inner
+ columns Divides child elements into columns.
+ aligned When used with "columns", aligns content to top of panel.
+ divided When used with "columns", separates each column with a vertical line.
+ Examples
+ Here's a very basic example:
+ <section class="panel medium color0">
+ <div class="intro">
+ <h2 class="major">Panel</h2>
+ <p>Just a generic panel.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="inner">
+ <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ And here's a more advanced example using columns and *no* size modifier:
+ <section class="panel color2">
+ <div class="intro">
+ <h2 class="major">Panel</h2>
+ <p>Just a generic panel.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="inner columns">
+ <div class="span-4">
+ <p>This column is 4 units wide.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span-3">
+ <p>This column is 3 units wide.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span-2">
+ <p>This column is 2 units wide.</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ Note: The "intro" child element already has a fixed width, so a span modifier
+ isn't required.
+ Panel (Banner)
+ --------------
+ The "Banner" variant of a regular panel.
+ <section class="panel banner (size modifier) (color modifier) (orientation modifier)">
+ <div class="content (color modifier)">
+ (content)
+ </div>
+ <div class="image (image modifiers)" data-position="(image position modifier)">
+ <img src="(image URL)" alt="" />
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ Modifiers
+ Orientation
+ left Content on the left, image on the right.
+ right Content on the right, image on the left.
+ Image
+ filtered Applies a gradient filter to the image.
+ tinted Applies a tint filter to the image.
+ Image Position (required)
+ top left Position image in the top-left corner.
+ top Position image along the top edge.
+ top right Position image in the top-right corner.
+ right Position image along the right edge.
+ bottom right Position image in the bottom-right corner.
+ bottom Position image along the bottom edge.
+ bottom left Position image in the bottom-left corner.
+ left Position image along the left edge.
+ center Position image in the center.
+ Example
+ <section class="panel banner medium right">
+ <div class="content color0">
+ <h1>Banner</h1>
+ <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="image" data-position="center">
+ <img src="/path/to/image.jpg" alt="" />
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ Panel (Spotlight)
+ -----------------
+ The "Spotlight" variant of a regular panel.
+ <section class="panel spotlight (size modifier) (orientation modifier)">
+ <div class="content (span modifier)">
+ (content)
+ </div>
+ <div class="image (image modifiers)" data-position="(image position modifier)">
+ <img src="(image URL)" alt="" />
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ Modifiers
+ Orientation
+ left Content on the left.
+ right Content on the right.
+ Image
+ filtered Applies a gradient filter to the image.
+ tinted Applies a tint filter to the image.
+ Image Position (required)
+ top left Position image in the top-left corner.
+ top Position image along the top edge.
+ top right Position image in the top-right corner.
+ right Position image along the right edge.
+ bottom right Position image in the bottom-right corner.
+ bottom Position image along the bottom edge.
+ bottom left Position image in the bottom-left corner.
+ left Position image along the left edge.
+ center Position image in the center.
+ Example
+ <section class="panel spotlight large right">
+ <div class="content">
+ <h1>Spotlight</h1>
+ <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="image" data-position="center">
+ <img src="/path/to/image.jpg" alt="" />
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ Gallery
+ -------
+ A lightbox-enabled gallery.
+ <div class="gallery">
+ <a href="(full image URL)" class="image (image modifiers) (span modifier)" data-position="(image position modifier)">
+ <img src="(thumbnail image URL)" alt="" />
+ </a>
+ <a href="(full image URL)" class="image (image modifiers) (span modifier)" data-position="(image position modifier)">
+ <img src="(thumbnail image URL)" alt="" />
+ </a>
+ <a href="(full image URL)" class="image (image modifiers) (span modifier)" data-position="(image position modifier)">
+ <img src="(thumbnail image URL)" alt="" />
+ </a>
+ <div class="group (span modifier)">
+ <a href="(full image URL)" class="image (image modifiers) (span modifier)" data-position="(image position modifier)">
+ <img src="(thumbnail image URL)" alt="" />
+ </a>
+ <a href="(full image URL)" class="image (image modifiers) (span modifier)" data-position="(image position modifier)">
+ <img src="(thumbnail image URL)" alt="" />
+ </a>
+ <a href="(full image URL)" class="image (image modifiers) (span modifier)" data-position="(image position modifier)">
+ <img src="(thumbnail image URL)" alt="" />
+ </a>
+ <a href="(full image URL)" class="image (image modifiers) (span modifier)" data-position="(image position modifier)">
+ <img src="(thumbnail image URL)" alt="" />
+ </a>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ Note: The "group" element creates a dual-row group of images. Images inside this group will
+ automatically wrap to the next row when they exceed its width (as defined by its span modifier).
+ You can have as many groups in a gallery as you like.
+ Modifiers
+ Image
+ filtered Applies a gradient filter to the image.
+ tinted Applies a tint filter to the image.
+ Image Position (required)
+ top left Position image in the top-left corner.
+ top Position image along the top edge.
+ top right Position image in the top-right corner.
+ right Position image along the right edge.
+ bottom right Position image in the bottom-right corner.
+ bottom Position image along the bottom edge.
+ bottom left Position image in the bottom-left corner.
+ left Position image along the left edge.
+ center Position image in the center.
+ Example
+ <div class="gallery">
+ <a href="/images/thumbnails/01.jpg" class="image filtered span-2" data-position="center">
+ <img src="/images/fulls/01.jpg" alt="" />
+ </a>
+ <a href="/images/thumbnails/02.jpg" class="image filtered span-4" data-position="center">
+ <img src="/images/fulls/02.jpg" alt="" />
+ </a>
+ <div class="group span-4">
+ <a href="/images/thumbnails/03.jpg" class="image filtered span-2" data-position="center">
+ <img src="/images/fulls/03.jpg" alt="" />
+ </a>
+ <a href="/images/thumbnails/04.jpg" class="image filtered span-2" data-position="center">
+ <img src="/images/fulls/04.jpg" alt="" />
+ </a>
+ <a href="/images/thumbnails/05.jpg" class="image filtered span-2" data-position="center">
+ <img src="/images/fulls/05.jpg" alt="" />
+ </a>
+ <a href="/images/thumbnails/06.jpg" class="image filtered span-2" data-position="center">
+ <img src="/images/fulls/06.jpg" alt="" />
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ Demo Images:
+ Unsplash (unsplash.com)
+ Icons:
+ Font Awesome (fortawesome.github.com/Font-Awesome)
+ Other:
+ jQuery (jquery.com)
+ Misc. Sass functions (@HugoGiraudel)
+ normalizeWheel (@miorel + @pieterv of Facebook)
+ Skel (skel.io) \ No newline at end of file