@import 'libs/vars'; @import 'libs/functions'; @import 'libs/mixins'; @import 'libs/skel'; @import 'font-awesome.min.css'; @import url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Source+Sans+Pro:300,400,300i,400i"); /* Ethereal by HTML5 UP html5up.net | @ajlkn Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (html5up.net/license) */ @include skel-breakpoints(( xlarge: '(max-width: 1680px)', large: '(max-width: 1280px)', medium: '(max-width: 980px)', small: '(max-width: 736px)', xsmall: '(max-width: 480px)', xxsmall: '(max-width: 360px)', short: '(min-aspect-ratio: 16/7)', xshort: '(min-aspect-ratio: 16/6)' )); @include skel-layout(( reset: 'full', boxModel: 'border' )); // Mixins. @mixin gradient-background($tint: false, $opacity: 0.25, $stop1: 25%, $stop2: 50%, $angle: 45deg) { $background-image: ( url('../../images/overlay.png'), linear-gradient($angle, transparentize(_palette(accent1), (1 - $opacity)) $stop1, transparentize(_palette(accent2), (1 - $opacity)) $stop2, transparentize(_palette(accent3), (1 - $opacity))) ); $background-size: ( 128px 128px, auto ); @if ($tint) { $x: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(0,0,0,0.125), rgba(0,0,0,0.125)); $y: auto; $background-image: append($background-image, $x); $background-size: append($background-size, $y); } background-image: $background-image; background-size: $background-size; } @mixin gradient-background-small($tint: false, $opacity: 0.25, $stop1: 25%, $stop2: 50%) { @include gradient-background($tint, $opacity, $stop1, $stop2, 135deg); } @mixin spans($x) { @for $i from 0 through 10 { @if ($i > 0) { .span-#{$i} { width: ($x * $i); } } @if ($i < 10) { .span-#{$i}-25 { width: ($x * $i) + ($x * 0.25); } .span-#{$i}-5 { width: ($x * $i) + ($x * 0.5); } .span-#{$i}-75 { width: ($x * $i) + ($x * 0.75); } } } } @mixin spans-small($x) { @for $i from 0 through 10 { @if ($i > 0) { .span-#{$i} { width: 100%; } } @if ($i < 10) { .span-#{$i}-25 { width: 100%; } .span-#{$i}-5 { width: 100%; } .span-#{$i}-75 { width: 100%; } } } } // Base. @import 'base/page'; @import 'base/typography'; // Component. @import 'components/form'; @import 'components/icon'; @import 'components/image'; @import 'components/list'; @import 'components/table'; @import 'components/button'; @import 'components/gallery'; @import 'components/panel'; @import 'components/panel-banner'; @import 'components/panel-spotlight'; // Layout. @import 'layout/page-wrapper'; @import 'layout/wrapper';