diff options
authorFivePixels <o5pxels@gmail.com>2018-11-30 14:47:37 -0600
committerFivePixels <o5pxels@gmail.com>2018-11-30 14:47:37 -0600
commit45f3fcb02a201b1d7225cda9f5a5d0f26a6c19f9 (patch)
parent1aa125eca7beefe592fdad54f112e21ec3898051 (diff)
Removed SL2 files, fixed naming
4 files changed, 7 insertions, 992 deletions
diff --git a/5pxweb.sublime-project b/5pxweb.sublime-project
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a8ce15..0000000
--- a/5pxweb.sublime-project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
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-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/5pxweb.sublime-workspace b/5pxweb.sublime-workspace
deleted file mode 100644
index aeda074..0000000
--- a/5pxweb.sublime-workspace
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,974 +0,0 @@
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- "selected_items":
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- "add",
- "addToCydia"
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- [
- "strong",
- "strong Tag"
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- "accountsFinal"
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- "com",
- "completionHandler"
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- "reload",
- "reloadSpecifiers"
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- "animated"
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- "addAccountButton"
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- "Git: Commit"
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- "Git: Status"
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- "Git: Add..."
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- "Git: Diff All Files"
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- [
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- "Git: Diff All Files"
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- "Sublimerge: Compare to Revision..."
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- [
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- "Git: Diff All Files"
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- "git commit",
- "Git: Commit"
- ],
- [
- "commit",
- "Git: Commit"
- ],
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- "remote",
- "Sublimerge: Compare Revision to Revision..."
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- [
- "diff",
- "Git: Diff All Files"
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- "Sublimerge"
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- "status",
- "Git: Status"
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- "Sublimerge"
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- "Package Control: Install Package"
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- "Git: Status"
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- [
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- "Git: Status"
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- "Package Control: Install Package"
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- [
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- "Package Control: Install Package"
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- "Package Control: Install Package"
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- "/Users/dylanbolger/Documents/fivepixels.github.io/cydia/index.html",
- "/Users/dylanbolger/Documents/PersonalRepo/fivepixels.github.io/index.html",
- "/Users/dylanbolger/Documents/fivepixels.github.io/cydia/Packages",
- "/Users/dylanbolger/Documents/fivepixels.github.io/cydia/repo.sh",
- "/Users/dylanbolger/Documents/fivepixels.github.io/cydia/depictions/packages/com.fivepixels.mariomaps.json",
- "/Users/dylanbolger/Documents/fivepixels.github.io/cydia/depictions/index.html",
- "/Users/dylanbolger/Documents/fivepixels.github.io/cydia/README.md",
- "/Users/dylanbolger/Documents/fivepixels.github.io/index.html",
- "/Users/dylanbolger/Documents/PersonalRepo/fivepixels.github.io/README.md",
- "/Users/dylanbolger/Documents/PersonalRepo/fivepixels.github.io/5pxweb.sublime-project",
- "/Users/dylanbolger/Documents/PersonalRepo/fivepixels.github.io/README.txt",
- "/Users/dylanbolger/Documents/PersonalRepo/fivepixels.github.io/depictions/packages/com.fivepixels.mariomaps.json",
- "/Users/dylanbolger/Documents/PersonalRepo/fivepixels.github.io/CNAME",
- "/Users/dylanbolger/Documents/PersonalRepo/fivepixels.github.io/css/index.css",
- "/Users/dylanbolger/Documents/TweakProjects/lockscreen11/Tweak.xm",
- "/Users/dylanbolger/Documents/TweakProjects/lockscreen11/ls11.sublime-project",
- "/Users/dylanbolger/Documents/TweakProjects/lockscreen11/Makefile",
- "/Users/dylanbolger/Documents/TweakProjects/Slices/slicespreferences/Resources/Info.plist",
- "/Users/dylanbolger/Documents/TweakProjects/mariomaps/Tweak.xm",
- "/Users/dylanbolger/Documents/TweakProjects/Slices/Model/SliceSetting.h",
- "/Users/dylanbolger/Documents/TweakProjects/Slices/Tweak.xm",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/Makefile",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/slicespreferences/SlicesPreferencesListController.mm",
- "/Users/hetelek/Desktop/index.html",
- "/Users/hetelek/Desktop/slices/index.php",
- "/Users/hetelek/Downloads/hetelek-key-pair.pem.txt",
- "/Users/hetelek/Downloads/credentials.csv.txt",
- "/Users/hetelek/.ssh/known_hosts",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/Velox2/Preferences/VeloxPrefsListController.mm",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/Velox2/Preferences/VeloxStratosListController.mm",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/Velox2/Preferences/VeloxDevCell.mm",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/Velox2/Preferences/images/credits.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/Velox2/Preferences/images/conman.h",
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- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/Velox2/Preferences/Resources/VeloxPrefs.plist",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/Velox2/Preferences/Resources/stratos.plist",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/Velox2/Velox.plist",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/slicespreferences/Makefile",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/slicespreferences/GameCenterController.mm",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/slicespreferences/SliceDetailController.mm",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/OSExperience/theos/include/Availability2.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/slicespreferences/SliceDetailController.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Downloads/iOS-Headers-master/iOS8.1/PrivateFrameworks/Preferences/PSSpecifier.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/slicespreferences/SlicesAppDetailController.mm",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/Model/RawSlicer.mm",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/Model/FolderMigrator.mm",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/Model/FolderMigrator.h",
- "/opt/theos/include/Preferences/PSSpecifier.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/Model/Slicer.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/Model/Slicer.mm",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/Model/GameCenterAccountManager.mm",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/Model/GameCenterAccountManager.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/Tweak.xm",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/.git/MERGE_MSG",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG",
- "/opt/theos/include/Preferences/PSEditableListController.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Downloads/iOS-Headers-master/iOS8.1/PrivateFrameworks/Preferences/PSEditableListController.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Downloads/iOS-Headers-master/iOS8.1/PrivateFrameworks/Preferences/PSListController.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Downloads/iOS-Headers-master/iOS8.1/PrivateFrameworks/Preferences/PSViewController.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/slicespreferences/SlicesEditableTableCell.mm",
- "/Users/hetelek/Downloads/iOS-Headers-master/iOS8.1/PrivateFrameworks/Preferences/PSTextFieldSpecifier.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Library/Caches/Cleanup At Startup/Transmit/255F3BC0-BF33-42FC-A341-F1721F1CF5A5/readme.html",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/slicespreferences/SlicesAppDetailController.h",
- "/opt/theos/include/UIKit/UIPreferencesTable.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/OSExperience/theos/include/Preferences/PSTableCellType.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Downloads/iOS-Headers-master/iOS8.1/PrivateFrameworks/Preferences/PSTextView.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Downloads/iOS-Headers-master/iOS8.1/PrivateFrameworks/Preferences/PSTextViewTableCell.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/slicespreferences/GameCenterController.h",
- "/System/Library/Frameworks/GameKit.framework/Versions/A/Headers/GKError.h",
- "/opt/theos/include/Preferences/PSListController.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/slicespreferences/SlicesAppController.mm",
- "/Users/hetelek/.gitconfig",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/slicespreferences/SlicesEditableTableCell.h",
- "/opt/theos/include/Preferences/UIPreferencesTable.h",
- "/opt/theos/include/Preferences/UITable.h",
- "/opt/theos/include/Preferences/PSController.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Downloads/iOS-Headers-master/iOS8.1/PrivateFrameworks/Preferences/PSEditableTableCell.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Downloads/iOS-Headers-master/iOS8.1/PrivateFrameworks/Preferences/PSTableCell.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Downloads/Slices/slicespreferences/SlicesAppDetailController.mm",
- "/opt/theos/include/Preferences/PSEditableTableCell.h",
- "/opt/theos/include/Preferences/PSTableCell.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Downloads/iOS-Runtime-Headers-master/protocols/UITextInputTraits.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Downloads/deploymentTemplate.json",
- "/Users/hetelek/Desktop/script.sh",
- "/Users/hetelek/Desktop/OSExperience/theos/include/Preferences/PSTextFieldSpecifier.h",
- "/opt/theos/include/Preferences/PSTextFieldSpecifier.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Desktop/script 2.sh",
- "/Users/hetelek/sshservers",
- "/Users/hetelek/Desktop/OSExperience/theos/include/Preferences/PSEditableListController.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Downloads/iOS-Runtime-Headers-master/protocols/UITableViewDataSource.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/slicespreferences/Resources/SlicesPreferences.plist",
- "/Users/hetelek/Desktop/OSExperience/theos/include/Preferences/PSTableCellType.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Desktop/OSExperience/theos/include/Preferences/PSSpecifier.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/Git/Git.sublime-settings",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/slicespreferences/entry.plist",
- "/Users/hetelek/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/Package Control/Package Control.sublime-settings",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/slices.sublime-project",
- "/opt/theos/include/Preferences/PSViewControllerOffsetProtocol.h",
- "/opt/theos/include/Preferences/PSListItemsController.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Desktop/Slices-0.2.1/Makefile",
- "/opt/theos/include/Preferences/PSSpecifierObserver.h",
- "/opt/theos/include/Preferences/PSViewController.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Desktop/Slices-0.2.1/Tweak.xm",
- "/opt/theos/include/Preferences/Preferences-Structs.h",
- "/opt/theos/include/Preferences/PSStateRestoration.h",
- "/opt/theos/include/Preferences/Preferences.h",
- "/opt/theos/include/Preferences/PSTableCellType.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/Headers/GameCenterHeaders.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Downloads/iOS-Headers-master/iOS8.1/PrivateFrameworks/GameCenterFoundation/GKAccountServicePrivate-Protocol.h",
- "/private/var/folders/cv/5_34_x9j6vdgqgf_h16by97h0000gn/T/com.microsoft.Outlook/Outlook Temp/SpringBoard_2015-07-21-151452_Hani-iphone.syslog",
- "/Users/hetelek/Downloads/iOS-Headers-master/iOS8.1/PrivateFrameworks/GameCenterFoundation/GKAuthenticateResponse.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Downloads/iOS-Headers-master/iOS8.1/PrivateFrameworks/GameCenterFoundation/GKInternalRepresentation.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Downloads/iOS-Headers-master/iOS8.1/PrivateFrameworks/GameCenterFoundation/GKAccountService-Protocol.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Desktop/OSExperience/Makefile",
- "/Users/hetelek/Desktop/OSExperience/Hooks.xm",
- "/Users/hetelek/Desktop/OSExperience/Installer.xm",
- "/opt/theos.bak/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Headers/CydiaSubstrate.h",
- "/opt/theos/include/substrate.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Downloads/theos-master/documentation/Makefile",
- "/Users/hetelek/Downloads/OSExperience-master/OSAppPane.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/truepasscodeapp/RootViewController.h",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/truepasscodeapp/RootViewController.mm",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/truepasscodeapp/Resources/Info.plist",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/truepasscodeapp/Makefile",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/truepasscodeapp/truepasscodeappApplication.mm",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/truepasscode/main.mm",
- "/Users/hetelek/Downloads/application.nic/Makefile",
- "/Users/hetelek/Developer/Tweaks/slices/control"
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- ""
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- "refresh",
- "setter",
- "refreshView",
- "refreshView:",
- "remove",
- "delete",
- "reload",
- "specifier",
- "focus",
- "focus/",
- "focus",
- "withId:",
- "specifierByID",
- "specifierWithID",
- "addAccountButtonTapped",
- "firstResponder",
- "table",
- "table",
- "signInButtonSpecifier",
- "SlicesEditableTableCell",
- "shouldAl",
- "NSNumber",
- "signinButtonTapped",
- "specifierForID",
- "withId",
- "id",
- "specifier",
- "appleIDSpecifier",
- "signInButtonSpecifier",
- "placehol",
- "placeholder",
- "buttonAction",
- "buttonACtion",
- "target",
- "specifier",
- "tableView",
- "autoCorrection",
- "alertView",
- "renameSlice",
- "preferenceSpecifierNamed",
- "autoCorrection",
- "something",
- "preferenceSpecifierNamed",
- "remove",
- "commitEditingStyle",
- "removedSpecifier",
- "remove",
- "isEqual",
- "addObject",
- "localhost",
- "action",
- "properties",
- "identifier",
- "indexForIndexPath",
- "index",
- "PSListController",
- "action",
- "Expetelek",
- "accountServicePrivateProxy",
- "authenticatePlayerWithUsername",
- "Slices",
- "slices"
- ],
- "highlight": true,
- "in_selection": false,
- "preserve_case": false,
- "regex": false,
- "replace_history":
- [
- "FivePixels'",
- "workingDirectory",
- "\\n",
- "",
- "(?<=\\\\G...)",
- "",
- "\\\"",
- " ",
- "animator"
- ],
- "reverse": false,
- "show_context": true,
- "use_buffer2": true,
- "whole_word": false,
- "wrap": false
- },
- "groups":
- [
- {
- "sheets":
- [
- ]
- }
- ],
- "incremental_find":
- {
- "height": 23.0
- },
- "input":
- {
- "height": 31.0
- },
- "layout":
- {
- "cells":
- [
- [
- 0,
- 0,
- 1,
- 1
- ]
- ],
- "cols":
- [
- 0.0,
- 1.0
- ],
- "rows":
- [
- 0.0,
- 1.0
- ]
- },
- "menu_visible": true,
- "output.exec":
- {
- "height": 100.0
- },
- "output.find_results":
- {
- "height": 0.0
- },
- "output.git":
- {
- "height": 137.0
- },
- "replace":
- {
- "height": 77.0
- },
- "save_all_on_build": true,
- "select_file":
- {
- "height": 0.0,
- "selected_items":
- [
- ],
- "width": 0.0
- },
- "select_project":
- {
- "height": 500.0,
- "selected_items":
- [
- ],
- "width": 380.0
- },
- "show_minimap": true,
- "show_open_files": true,
- "show_tabs": true,
- "side_bar_visible": true,
- "side_bar_width": 188.0,
- "status_bar_visible": true
diff --git a/cydia/Release b/cydia/Release
index d773f87..4d56521 100755
--- a/cydia/Release
+++ b/cydia/Release
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-Origin: Jake0oo0's Repo
-Label: Jake0oo0's Repo
+Origin: FivePixels' Repo
+Label: FivePixels' Repo
Suite: stable
Version: 1.0
Codename: ios
Architectures: iphoneos-arm
Components: main
-Description: Jake0oo0's Cydia Repository \ No newline at end of file
+Description: FivePixels' Cydia Repo \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 1a205fa..2e26ce5 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -34,13 +34,13 @@
<section class="panel color1" id="second">
<div class="intro joined">
<h2 class="major">Cydia Repository</h2>
- <p>I host all of my tweaks within my website. To add my Repository source to Cydia, either click the link below or open Cydia and navigate to<br> Sources -> Edit -> Add -> <strong>https://fivepixels.xyz</strong></p>
+ <p>I host all of my tweaks within my website. To add my Repository source to Cydia, either click the link below or open Cydia and navigate to<br> Sources -> Edit -> Add -> <strong>https://fivepixels.xyz/cydia</strong></p>
- <button onclick="myFunction()">Add to Cydia</button>
+ <button onclick="addRepo()">Add to Cydia</button>
- function myFunction() {
- location.replace("cydia://url/https://cydia.saurik.com/api/share#?source=https://fivepixels.xyz/")
+ function addRepo() {
+ location.replace("cydia://url/https://cydia.saurik.com/api/share#?source=https://fivepixels.xyz/cydia")